WWWBoard FAQ #4

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Does WWWBoard run on Windows NT4.0?

    Short Answer:

    WWWBoard was originally written to run on a Unix based system, but it can be modified to run on other platforms.

    Long Answer:

    I have received the following two messages about converting WWWBoard to NT. It doesn't sound difficult, however I do not guarauntee that either of the following solutions will work for you.:
     Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 16:03:26 -0400
     From: Jon Robison <jon@central-design.com>
     Subject: WWWBoard on NT - One Solution
     I would like to offer the solution I found.
     On systems using Win Nt 4.0 Server, with IIS, and using
     Perl.exe associated with .pl files rather than PerlIS, the
     following is the only change needed:
     For the $basedir variable, use double backslashes. i.e., mine
     is set to: "c:\\inetsrv\\wwwroot\\..........\\wwwboard"
     This was the only change needed beyond ensuring read/write
     permission for both the main board directory (wwwboard) and
     it subdirectory /messages.

    From: Steve Whan <Steve.Whan@BCHydro.bc.ca>
    Subject: WWWBoard on NT 4.0
    We only had to make two types of fixes:
    1) $basedir = "q:\\InetPub\\wwwroot\\live\\buysell";
    2) The OPEN statements now look like this: 
    open(NEWFILE,">$basedir\\$mesgdir\\$num\.$ext") || die $!;

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